Two children of the sun, Manco Capac and Mama Occlo Huaco, who were both brother and sister and husband and wife, were sent by the sun god, Inti, from Lake Titicaca to find a new place of residence. With them, they took a golden staff, tapac-yauri, which was destined to effortlessly sink into the earth at their new home; this new residence happened to be Cuzco, Peru.
Cuzco became known as the navel of the world, and subsequently, the site closest to mother nature. In the 13th century, this city, which sat at the center of the Tawantinsuyu (the four regions), was designated as the capital of the Inca Empire, the largest empire of pre-Columbian history. It is still considered the historical capital of Peru (Lima is of course the actual capital). Not only is Cuzco the gateway to mother nature, but also, at 11,200ft, it is the gateway to one of the seven wonders of the world, Machu Picchu.
The Twantinsuyu with Cusco at the center. |
Like other cities in the Inca Empire, Cuzco was shaped into one of the sacred animals, a puma. |
Two children of small-town USA, PDub and JDub, who were not brother or sister (thank the lord) but husband and wife, were sent by the adventure god, Good-Times, from Washington D.C. to find a new place to wander. With them, they took magical hiking boots (already broken in), which were destined to find them adventure. They ended up in a bellybutton.
It was recommended to spend at least three days in this bellybutton of a city to fully acclimate to the altitude before hiking. The first couple of days were rough! There's nothing like a huffing and puffing tourist who has to stop every block to catch her breath.....and wants to do a 26 mile hike up to Machu Picchu. Thankfully, our first evening only included a planetarium visit and dinner.
Cuzco from our hostel. |
Our hostel was on the side of a mountain where the sidewalk changed from flat to hilled to staired. Just breath......or not, because you can't at 11,200ft! |
The Cuzco Planetarium was the perfect chance to learn about the southern hemisphere skies (completely different from what we see in the northern hemisphere) and specifically Inca astronomy. The Incas lived as one with nature and utilized the skies for guidance in things such as travel and agriculture. They named all the formations (like we have the little and big dipper) both light and dark. Even some of the streets in Cuzco are aligned with certain formations. No Google maps (with a blue dot) for the Incas; they had the skiz-ies.
Some amigos who joined in our sky learning. |
Inca translation of the Milky Way. |
After the planetarium, we headed for some grub at the Uchu Steakhouse. Did you know that the Incas have engineered nearly 80% of the world's seeds? With their microclimates, use of the sun and time of year, and various elevations, the Incas learned to engineer and grow some tastebud-tickling food. They have over 3,000 kinds of potatoes, 500 types of maize, and 10 colors of quinoa. Bring on the tots, corn, and super grain!!....por favor.
Our group at Uchu Steakhouse |
I got to eat alpaca for the first time.....and it was pretty darn good. |
Based with potato followed by avocado and quinoa and topped with a flower. |
Plaza de Armas.....The main square by night. AND, we can't forget Jesus lighting up the skies in the top left. The Incas didn't have a name for that guy. |
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