ADub is 4 months old today!! He brings multiple smiles to our faces and is the best distraction from all responsibilities. Life is forever changed (for the better). Happy birthday, little man!
Here's what happened this month:
- Anything you give to ADub ends up on a non-stop flight to his mouth. Yes, I would take bets that he would even put Maya's freshly-made poop nuggets in his mouth. (A note for child services: This has not and will not be attempted; thank you for your concern).
- Houston, he has found his feet. Although these have not landed in his mouth yet, I'm guessing any day now....
- ADub has started learning the days of the week in English and Spanish. Saturday (Sabado) is his favorite, but who doesn't like Saturdays?
- Zerbert: "The sound that occurs where someone places the mouth against skin and blows, imitating the sound of flatulance" and causing some serious laughter. Bellies, beware.
- Blowing bubbles has become ADub's new pastime. Bubble Boy has become his new nickname in these here parts. He's actually hosting a bubble party next month.
- Challenge: Falling-asleep, by-yourself, in-your-crib. Status: In progress.
- He still loves reading books; this week Fox in Socks, next week Great Expectations. Plus, his favorite song is "I Dreamed a Dream" from Mamma Mia, calming him nightly for bedtime.
And now for some photos:
My first bath in the BIG tub. R-rated; pardon the penie. |
and SO ghetto. I see now that to complete the outfit, the pants should have been sagging. Next time. |
Up to no good? |
It's called a ZIT?!!?! |
Einstein, watch out! |
Hanging with Pops, the manny. |
T-t-t-t-tummy time! |
Really, Maya? This is my photo shoot. |
Mommy snuggles. |
Drooling ALL over his new carrier. |
Sometimes you just feel like having a good cry. |
Yeah, I think I'll just suck on this for awhile. |
Mmmmh....McAlister's. That tea is practically bigger than me! |
Made you smile!!! |
Top of the morning to you. |
You can walk, run, jump, and dance on these tiny things. Treat them well. |
I'm thinking of getting Maya a badge. She takes her work seriously. |
Yes, he pooped on the last outfit.... |
Again, made you smile. |
I call it: "Life's a Blur, so SIT STILL!" |
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