Today, ADubXX is celebrating her 7-month birthday. At this point, I finally feel like we are completely used to having another human being in our family, and oh is it sweet. Her personality fits into our little chaotic world so perfectly, and she certainly lifts everyone up with her smile. Happy Birthday, sweet pea!
Her accomplishments for the month:
- She is very vocal, practicing all of her sounds constantly, only in preparation to talk our ears off. Every bit of food she takes is followed by a "mmmmh." Every moment without attention is followed by a high squeal and the sweetest smile.
- ADubXX absolutely loves when her brother is around. Oftentimes, I am worried that she will tear right out of my arms to chase after him, only to realize that she can merely roll to get from here to there.
- Only just recently did ADubXX figure out the drop and pickup game. If I wasn't multitasking before, I certainly am now. Every meal, I am trying to have an adult conversation with my husband, telling my son to eat more of his veggies, feeding myself, and yes, picking up toys/napkins/food lids that have been dropped on the floor. Life is so relaxing.
- She prefers to be laid in her crib at bedtime rather than rocked to sleep. This is something that I've only though existed in fairy tales. Turns out, it is not.
- The girl completely dislikes green beans and peas. BUT momma can still outsmart her by hiding them in apples. I will only be able to trick her for so long before my cover (or the peas and broccoli cover) is blown.
- ADubXX flaps her arms whenever she is in complete utter excitement....I tell her that she's going to fly away if she's not careful.
- Just this past weekend, we witnessed our little girl dancing for the first time, and baby girl has got rhythm. I mean her main move is the bounce up and down, but she certainly can find the beat.
Say Cheese!
#modelface |
Just waiting for ADubXY to get his darned shoes on. |
Mommy thinks she's so funny with her Dirty Dancing onesie. |
Lizzy, my protector. |
Harvey, my lap dog. |
July 4th was a success. I slept through all of the fireworks! |
ADubXY wanted no part in this picture. |
First stroller ride. |
First cart ride. |
Pool time, which essentially means suck-on-rings time. |
First follow-up appointment after receiving the change as of yet. |
First selfie. |
Yes, they are both wearing batman clothes. |
Relaxing after a long day at school. |
Awkward pose. |
Do you think they look alike? |
Working our way into the NASCAR scene. |
That is a lap full of a lot of love. |
These two are a life-changer. I love it. |
ADubXX pancake. (no babies were harmed in the making) |
Squash teether? It might sell for millions. |
My heart. |
Blue eyes laughing in the sun Laughing in the rain Baby's got blue eyes And I am home, and I am home again -Elton John |
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