Saturday, November 23, 2019

Happy 11-Month Birthday!!

Today, we celebrate eleven months with our beautiful girl.  I can't believe that one month from today, she will be having her first birthday!  We love you so much, sweet pea!

Achievements for the month:

  • She is pulling up on EVERYTHING, and even cruising a bit between the couch, coffee table, and momma.  She's even pushing her walker around like a little old lady.  Mobility....Is it a good thing?
  • This girl loves to high five her close relatives.  Anyone out of her immediate family gets looked at like they're crazy....and they probably are.  Stranger danger is real.
  • Just within the last week, she has become an extreme momma's girl and has found her sassy pants.  I wonder what the return policy is on those.
  • She has had a recurrent ear infection, a separate ear infection, and RSV with the beginning usage of an inhaler.  We love this time of year!
  • AdubXX has learned to shake her head "no."  She can be so dramatic about it that she shakes her head so hard that she nearly falls right over.
  • She has become a real big girl by taking a bath with her bubs and only wiping out twice now.  No worries, momma lifeguard and daddy lifeguard were both on duty to save lives.
Bath time is just the best!
Sometimes your kids look so stinking cute on just an ordinary school/work day that you have to take their picture.
Jam session.
Sunday brunch with the fam.
Do you know how hard it is to get both children to look at the camera AND smile?  Hard?  No, straight up impossible.
Finally cool enough in Texas to enjoy the park.
Some photographic creativity with a girl, a swing, and a sun.
This girl loves to slide.  She especially loves it when her brother crashes into her on the slide.
Just one of the many visits to the doctor's office this past month.  We are there just about every week.
Don't drink and drive.  BUT if you do, just be as cute as this.
Clean-up crew patiently awaits below baby girl's throne.  Poor guy was vomited on this past month.....but sure enough, it hasn't stopped in him from holding this same position.
Bicycle time....wait is it a bicycle if it has two additional wheels on the trailer?
One for me, one for you.
Just finishing up a bit of laundry.
This girl at her LAST helmet appointment!!  We are still wearing it at night time.
Leavin' on a jet plane.....headed to Mexico.
Beach babes.
Again with the whole can never get both kids to look AND smile at the same time.
Laughter and hammocks.  Now that's a combination.
Mom wasn't feeling so well but we couldn't pass up this perfect pic of baby girl.
Matching swimsuits?
Even for brother? Yes, please.  (Daddy (the party pooper) wouldn't participate)
Lady bugs, sharks, and the beach.
Another try at the perfect pic.
Family selfie....she wasn't having it.
Perfect enough.
This girl and her baby blues.
Cheesing it up in her stroller.
My heart, my adventure.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Happy 10-Month Birthday!!

Today, we celebrate our sweet little girl's 10 month birthday.  Time absolutely flies by with the second, and boy, I am not ready to give up these little moments!  We love you and your perfect personality....even if you are becoming sassier by the minute.
Accomplishments for the month:

  • Little girl has finally sprouted not one, but yes, two teeth.  Poor thing endured back-to-back teeth sprouts with an added ongoing ear infection.  We have had quite the painful month!  (Brother and momma also got strep throat...ick!)
  • ADubXX has become mobile, my friends.  Yep, she's gotten on all fours and proceeded to crawl around everywhere.  What does everywhere include?  What might her favorite destination be?  You may have guessed it....the dog food and water bowls.  I have already cleaned up puddles off the floor and fished dog food out of her mouth.  Here's to hoping she'll have other destinations on her mind in the future.
  • She absolutely loves to clap.  Round of applause....she's on it.  Now if it comes to a standing ovation, that's a different matter.  She's not quite pulling herself to standing yet.
  • She eats everything that is put in front of her.  Her teachers at daycare are still perplexed on where she's putting it.  Judging by the number of Cheerio's I find during diaper changes, I am going to say she's putting some of it there.
  • Yes, we are still in the helmet, but that's only because mom and dad decided to keep it on a bit longer to see just how much more improvement they can get.  Here's to nearing perfection!
  • One of her favorite games to play is to throw a toy across the room and then chase it.  Then once obtaining it, throwing it again.  Repeat....over and over again.
A fairy and a dragon?  All in one picture and related?  What are the odds?
Yes, indeed, that is a real unicorn.
Mashed potatoes and dad?  Couldn't get much better than that.
Crawling through tunnels with brother.
Brother wanted to ride the carousel on his bday.
Playing with some of the balls at brother's bday party.
Mom thought that it would be cool if we all had matching Spiderman shirts for brother's bday party.
Yep, that's my first tooth coming in.  Quite painful...especially when they want a photo of it.
At brother's soccer game....soon I'll make him come to my dance lessons and softball practices.
A little Oktoberfesting to bring in the fall season.
Mom thought I was a little overdressed in my dress and cardigan to attend brother's soccer game.  I say you can never be overdressed.
At brother's baseball game.  Are we seeing a trend?
First attempt at a sippy cup was a success.  Figured out the sucker thing, drank the water, threw on the ground.
A little cuddle time after school.
Our little Texan.
Goofing off in Costco.
When the entire family wears Houston sports team attire and mom sticks to the musical scene.
First swing....a huge success.  She reached new heights.
Just a little artsy fartsy photography.
My. Life.