Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Happy 4-Month Birthday!!

Today, our little ADubXX turns 4 months old!  You are our little sunshine making us smile and relax a bit more, which is certainly what momma needs.  Happy Birthday, sugar bean!
The happenings for this month:
  • ADubXX smiles all. of. the. time.  I think she has increased the million dollar smile to like a trillion dollar smile.  (Inflation, people)
  • She falls asleep without any help.  No holding.  No rocking.  Just sleep.  Sweet beautiful sleep.
  • ADubXX has finally discovered that she not only has hands but that she can grab things with them....only to transport those things on a first class flight straight to her mouth.
  • She has rolled over a number of times now, and every time she performs this little trick, her big brother runs in announcing to the house that his lil' sis has rolled over.  So proud.
  • She is still a little talker....and those facial expressions indicate that her stories are on-the-edge-of-your-seat thrilling.
  • ADubXX has spent some serious father-daughter time lately (daddy gets 8 weeks paternity leave...yes, you heard that correctly) and boy, are they two peas in a pod.  "Daddy's girl" is taking on a new meaning.
  • She loves when big brother reads to her from her shapes, colors, and touch-and-feel books.
Mother-daughter matching outfits?  Yes, please.  Until she can tell me otherwise....and even then....
Posing for the paparazzi.
Celebrating Pops's birthday.
It's a Mean Girls thing.
Matching brother-sister outfits.
Relaxing with Grandma!
Meeting her future BFF for the first time.
Classic party girl.
These two have become my world.
Hungry Hungry Hippos with he fam.
Two peas in a pod.
She isn't quite sure how to stand.  (And, I'm pretty sure that sweet tea is almost as tall and just as sweet as she is)
She fell asleep just like this.  Snooze.
Love those big blue eyes.
No worries, Lizzy wasn't actually trying to eat her head.
We visited Big Bend National Park with the little miss this month as well....
Lost Mine Trail.
Lost Mine Trail.
Santa Elena Canyon
The view from one of our drives.
Hot Spring Trail.
Skipping rocks in the Rio Grande.
Balanced Rock Trail.
Our adventure.