Today is ADubXX's 2-month birthday. Happy Birthday, little lady!! You are what people would call a "good" baby, which is only more support for Mommy's argument of having three children. With the way you easily fall asleep on your own, are easily soothed, can easily take a bottle or be breastfed, and are all around EASY, I can tell you are showing daddy that you want a baby sister or baby brother in the future....girl, I support you! You bring so much joy to our lives, and your entire family rushes home from work and school to be with you each day. We love you, girlie!
Here's what has happened this month....
- ADubXX has slept as long as 8 hours now. Did I mention she's an easy baby? I actually functioned worse at work with more hours of sleep....go figure!
- When asked to sing a song to ADubXX, ADubXY's go-to song is the ABC's; it's his favorite tune. She knows the song now and attempts to sing it back to us, but all I can make out are a few "coo's."
- She smiles on purpose now. A good joke...a funny face...a fart noise....yep, they all get a smile.
- Two words: Spit. Up. I just don't understand how both of my children have serious spit up issues. I mean how many times must I be drenched (typically in the middle of the night) by half-digested breastmilk. I'm being attacked by my own making.
- ADubXX loves to dance with Mommy; however, she typically falls fast asleep, so my moves must be a bit boring for her liking. We favor "Tomorrow" by Shakey Graves these days.
- She follows you (with her eyes, of course; she can't walk yet, guys) as you move across the room, and even gets a little upset when she doesn't hear your voice nearby.
- She has graduated from the "sink" bath to the "tub" bath and really, really loves the water.
- ADubXX has this amazing ability to look like she is falling....but she is not.
And now for that photographic moment:
A little tummy-to-tummy time. |
I like to make people happy. |
Playtime for the kiddos. |
Why does that dog always need to do what I am doing?? |
First trip to the zoo. Monkeys were her favorite. She told me. |
Because when life gives you pepperoni, make pizza! |
Windmill arms. It's one of our daily exercises. |
I am not sure how I parted from this little girl to return to work.... |
....BUT I want to prove to her that she can do and be whatever and whomever she wants to be and what makes her happy....a stay-at-home momma, an astronaut, a model, a doctor, a construction worker, etc. Dream big, little one! |
Check out that triceratops. I think she's unimpressed. |
These two boys were impressed. |
Mommy-Daughter selfie. Get used to it, love. |
Baking cookies in the kitchen. I didn't realize I was also dusting my daughter with sweetness. |
She experienced her first Valentine's Day. |
Her cousin came to take care of her while Mommy went back to work. |
Heart. |
She loved watching her big brother play his first round of bowling. |
So contemplative. |
Kitchens are for gathering (and dancing). |
Some of the best moments are during diaper changes. Who knew such a poopy job could be so sweet? |
Nana came to visit and take care of her. |
Seriously, so blessed. |