The fog was thick over the city of Lima, making it nearly impossible to see the building across the street. The air was stagnant and heavy with humidity. Within minutes and only slightly more inland, the wind cooled the air and parted the fog as if a whole new beginning was occurring, and indeed, it was. A young couple took the next step in their relationship called marriage (or "mawwiage" from The Princess Bride).
Evens Tyrone, who you've met through our various vacations, married his beautiful bride last week in Lima, Peru, and the Dubs were there to witness the event. Although I'm not sure if it was legit because the ceremony was in Spanish (not fluent). I can only infer by the passing of the rings, the kiss-the-bride, etc. that it was.
The elegant church and aisle the bride walked down. |
Chilling before the ceremony. |
Now do something cool. |
Okay, cooler. |
Uno couple |
Dos couple |
Tres couple |
Father and bride. |
The bride and her family are from Peru, so giving her away to Evens Tyrone (and America) was more meaningful than most give-aways. |
I'm guessing the priest just told them to kiss, but I'm not for certain. |
Sheer bliss. |
The reception was outdoors, and the most unique one I've been to. Loved it! |
First dance. |
Aren't these two sweet? |
Stilts and wedding gear, everyone needs it. |
Groomsmen sporting their gear....and of course the suspenders and crumberbuns (it's how you know which way to put them on.....and now I can't say it correctly). |