Day 3 on the Inca Trail was supposed to be "memorable," and in some ways, it was. Bottom line, it rained for nearly the entire day (we did go during the rainy season). There's nothing like waking up to the sounds of rain hitting the roof of your tent......and then realizing that the bathrooms are forever away. And by bathrooms, I mean the fancy holes in the ground......
Now doesn't that look fancy?* |
For the record, this was my first time to relieve myself in the wilderness. I chose this route for two reasons: one, it was closer than the bathrooms, and two, it smelled a whole lot better.
After breakfast, we put on our damp clothing, covered our packs, and headed for the 10 miles of hiking. Our first stop, Runkurakay ruins and then on through the Runkurakay pass (3800m). At the ruins, we chose a rock, the smallest one possible for me because god forbid, I add any more weight to my body that I had to carry up, up, and then a little more up to the first pass. There, we proceeded to complete an Inca Ritual.....and reenact Disney movies.
At Runkurakay ruins, where we learned that this was once a tambo, or inn, where the chaskis (messengers) would rest.* |
We may not be messengers, but we surely needed a rest. |
Runkurakay, what we should have seen through the infinite fog as we climbed to the pass.* |
The start of the Inca Ritual, put the coca leaves in a flower-like shape. |
Place your rock on top of the coca leaves and make a wish. I'm pretty sure everyone wished for less rain. |
Top the pile off with a sweet candy and then pour a fragrance on top. |
Ritual complete. Rain continued. |
Cue Circle of Life music.* |
After the first pass, we started our descent into what would have been beautiful sights if it weren't for the view inhibiting fog. This didn't stop our fun though. The next ruins we stumbled upon were called Sayacmarca, meaning "Inaccessible Town." We climbed up the 98 stone steps carved into the side of the mountain (deep breaths, JDub, the bottom is only about three miles down) and found ourselves barricaded at the top by three steep drop-offs, hence the name. There's nothing like facing your fears head-on (heights for me).
There's something in the mist..... |
Echoing words off the trail for our fellow hikers to hear. You can probably guess what was yelled. |
At Sayacmarca surrounded by cliffs and looking into the valley.....or really just into the fog. |
Bucket List: relieve oneself in a ruin.* |
From there, we found ourselves walking through the jungle, with hanging moss, blooming orchids, brightly colored birds, and whispering trees. As the sun attempted to peak through, the jungle began to glisten. With the rain, the rocky trail became slippery requiring extra caution while walking (they should really distribute some of those "Caution: Slippery When Wet" signs). PDub took his eyes off the trail for a split second (posing for Shamuel's photo) and tumbled right off the trail. Thankfully, this portion of the path was not bordered by a cliff like it had been in the past, but instead, luscious foliage. We successfully pulled him back onto the trail; however, one of his hiking poles became a casualty.
Shamuel stopping us to get this photo.....only to cause PDub's fall. Yes, I blame you, Shamuel..* |
One stick, two sticks, tumble, stick. Okay, so I may not be Dr. Seuss. |
Straight out of fern gully. |
In the jungle..... |
.....the mighty jungle. |
The Inca Traaaaaaiiiiiiil!* |
Some of our crew.* |
The landscape looked like it came out of the ocean. It, however, did not. |
We then reached the third pass, where there were evidently great views of the snow-capped mountains of Veronica and Salkantay, but again, the fog was in our way. Shortly after the pass, we came upon Phuyupatamarca ruins, meaning "Town in the Clouds." Within these ruins, we passed a spring and irrigation system created by the Incas over 500 years ago. Believe it or not, it was still running. After the ruins, we headed down a crazy Inca staircase with over a thousands steps.....Yes, over a THOUSAND steps!
*Thank you for letting me use your photos fellow hikers!