Thursday, November 5, 2015

Strollering around Downtown Indy

     Since our Halloween outing went so well and the weather was going to be beautiful that Sunday, the Dubs headed to downtown Indy for a picnic lunch (from Bru Burger) and a walk around the monuments.  ADub slept through the entire thing, go figure.
Family selfie.
Just a man with his weiner.
Is this kid ever awake?
Proud parents....sunglasses do wonders in hiding sleep deprivation.
Still asleep.....
Pretty fall leaves at the WWII monument.
Maya got a little exhausted with such a long walk for those short legs.  She enjoyed this sweet ride.
Riding around a stroller....while quite tiring.  YAWN!
Wait.  You took me where today?  I must have been asleep....