ADubXX is 5 months old today! Your relaxed and (always) happy personality is so very infectious. You have reminded us to slow down, smile more, and be silly. Happy Birthday, sweet girl!
ADubXX’s big accomplishments for the month:
- Sometimes you just have to roll with it, and ADubXX has conquered that move, from front to back and back to front. Sometimes you also have to scoot with it, yet another move she has mastered.
- She uses Jedi mind tricks to grasp various objects with her hands and insert them into her mouth. Her favorites are the crinkly ones (with the exception of the crinkle cut French fries....those can be a greasy mess).
- ADubXX enjoys nursery rhymes and a good knock knock joke here and there, but right now, "Patty Cake" really gets her head over heels in giggles.
- She loves watching her big brother. I mean, who wouldn't enjoy watching a 3 year old yell car noises as he drives like the devil on his Harley Davidson tricycle around the house? She even gives him that “you are nuts” look. (the dogs just take cover)
- ADubXX wets our faces with her open-mouthed kisses. Someone should really teach these babies that licking faces just isn't very hygienic.....but oh. so. cute.
- Shorty loves to stand and often prefers this to sitting or laying down. The world is just a little different when you stand up.
The introduction of solid foods was a success. It took her a couple of days to realize she shouldn't be sucking on the spoon. |
Okay, so maybe not the best picture, but who can pass up a sister shark and brother shark photo opportunity? |
Her first dip in the pool. |
My beach bums. |
Banana smiles |
Lovin' on her pups. |
That's the face of a kid who loves a dry diaper. |
Nursing his baby? Wait. |
Attended her first soccer match with her cousin. Go Dynamos! |
First Cinco de Mayo was a blast. So much fun that she probably won't remember it. |
Relaxing by the pool. |
Mother's Day. 15 years from now they will hate me for having them wear matching outfits....every year until they move out. |
Lovin' on our girl. |
Silly faces. |
Best. Time. Ever. |
Daddy's girl. |
Can't get enough of those baby blue eyes! Someone should write a song about them. |
Her new pool ride. |
Signature model face. |
My first flight. She pooped at take off and then slept the rest of the time. |
My world. |