ADub is 11 months old today!! Mathematically, that would make him ONE YEAR OLD in only a month. Time flies! Soon the little guy will be going off to college; let's hope he is walking by then (and is potty-trained). ADub, you are so smart, so handsome, and brighten even the darkest days. Happy Birthday, baby Dub!
The board of achievements this month:
- ADub is finally clapping. I mean, what would the world be like without applause?....probably a little quieter.
- He has also become the little cup stacker. I'm not sure there's a career in it, but you never know where life will take you.
- His favorite song right now is "Can't Stop the Feeling" by Justin Timberlake. Without a doubt, ADub will start dancing when it comes on....but who doesn't?
- His favorite book is "Oh, The Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss; he's our little bookworm. If you can't find him, he is either in the book corner....or playing in Maya's water dish.
- ADub will sign "finished," show his tongue on command (and proceed to make fart noises), and reach for the sky when asked where it is. This is all for a grander plan in conquering the world.
- Lastly, he and Maya love to play hide-and-seek. I go and hide, and they both hunt for me. If ADub fails, Maya is sure to lead him there. Sometimes I end up hiding there for hours because both have forgotten the game and have found something better to do, like bark at another dog or play with a tag I forgot to remove from a toy.
And now for the photos:
Selfies poolside. |
Hanging out with his cousin in the great city of H Town. |
Because who wouldn't wear their "Scuba Steve" shirt to the Aquarium? |
Look out! A water bug!! |
I am either going to be the coolest mom ever or the craziest. Either is fine by me. |
I'm going to say it: ADub gave it his all. |
You know, just chilling in the lair of a white Siberian tiger. |
Moments underwater. BLEB, BLEB BLEB |
Must have been a great day if you fall asleep hunched over and holding your foot. |
Selfies with T-Rex. Clearly, T couldn't take the picture due to his shortage of arm length. |
This chair's just right. |
"Just do what he does. It'll make a great picture." DONE. |
White Linen festival in the Heights. |
This picture explains their relationship quite perfectly. |
The men in my life....sleeping in. |
You can train monkeys to do just about anything. |
On point. |
Is everything okay, Luna? |
Meeting his BFF. |
Mom's home from work!!!! (total excitement) |
It's merely a gas station and convenient store, but for many in TX, it's a way of life. Buc-ee's!!! |
First smoothie was a complete success. |
Yes, they dressed alike, but the real question is: Who pulled it off better? |
Toot Tooting a straw. |
Spending a week with Nana. |
I kid you not, Madonna's "Vogue" came on, and this kid started dancing. Madonna + disco ball = Can't. Sit. Still. |
I live in Texas. All we eat are tortilla chips....and chicken fried steak and BBQ and sweet tea and....made you hungry. |
Enjoying donuts and plums for my birthday breakfast. (See, I have hair) |
Those darn neighbors again! |
This kid is so cool, he runs (swims? no, crawls?) with sharks. |
My beautiful family in this beautiful (blistering hot) city. |