Sunday, April 10, 2016

ADub Visits Florida

For spring break, the Dubs packed up their (practically) everything and headed to Pop's and Grandma's new place in southern Florida.  Our trip in photos:
Prepping for a plane ride.  (Maya is under the seat in front of us)
The pilots let us check out the cockpit.
Cheesing it up with said pilots.
Hanging with Grandma after his first flight.
We hiked around Lover's Key.
I spy an owl.  Do you?
Cooling off while hiking.
An egret.
I spy an (multiple) alligator.  Do you?
The path well traveled.
We chose it.
Banyan trees, where the roots are above the ground.
I haven't found my roots yet.  I prefer the freedom.
Turtle, turtle.
More nature.
FYI, he's snoozing.
ADub fell in love with the pool.
Tootsies in the H2O.
First day on vacation: first flight, first swim.  BIG nap.
The definition of "playing it cool."
Pooooool time!
Work. It.
My two pale men hanging out in the shade.
Not so sure about this sand or those waves.
Probably pointing out a babe in a
Wading in the ocean.
More wading in the ocean.
This was going to be a spectacular family photo, but ADub couldn't keep his hands off Maya.
Hanging with my boy.
Check out Maya's beard.
ADub, Grandma, and Sophie the Giraffe.
Yes, that wave could completely wipe out little ADub.  Thank goodness for fathers.
ADub napping while Maya standing guard.
Celebrating St. Patty's day.  Did you know that St. Patrick is the patron saint of engineering?  You've been fun facted.
ADub got to meet his great aunt.
Selfies by the pool.
More selfies by the pool.
My pool dude.
Walking the grounds at Grandma and Pop's new place.
Such a beachin' family.