Last night I pampered two lovely ladies completely by myself. In the past, I have brought guests to a Mary Kay meeting where a well-trained consultant will do the speaking and pampering while I get to sit back and enjoy. Last night was definitely a first, but unlike most firsts, it was not a complete disaster. I ran around all day like a chicken with my head cut off cleaning my apartment, gathering materials, and setting up for this huge turning point in my Mary Kay career.
I spent some of this time walking over to Staples, purchasing some cute pink paper and some "Hello My Name Is..." tags. Of course, when I returned to print off my documents in our office center, the entire place was torn up and under construction. Just the perfect day for such a task. Luckily, our concierge allowed me to print on her computer, but being the tail-between-her-legs type of girl I am, I did not have the courage to change the printer paper to my lovely new pink....or see if she wanted to try some Mary Kay. So much for my trip to Staples.
Suited up with my pink bubble attire. |
The playing ground. |
Needless to say, I prepared everything to a "T", and the night ran fairly smoothly. The only big mistake I made was to be expected and that was one of color matching. Who would have thought that foundation color matching would be the toughest part of my job. I can develop a DNA profile from completely invisible prints, but I cannot for the life of me match a foundation. I can make it through an entire Insanity work-out, but I am unable to find the correct color for a face. The night before my first solo session, PDub and I spent about 30 minutes in the bathroom matching each other's faces to the correct foundation color. PDub loves my new job! Last night, out of the two people I pampered, I was 50% successful in sending them home looking like they weren't wearing a mask. One girl was very, very white, but no worries, I didn't send her home without letting her know that we should darken her color. I sold some product, made more bookings, and received some referrals...A successful night in my list of firsts! Pink Cadillac (Barbie car as she shall be called thus forth), here I come.....matching face or not!