On a Tuesday, I finished packing 19 days worth of clothing into a backpack, said my goodbyes to Maya, proceeded to cry in front of a large man in the elevator, and headed to the airport for yet another trip across the Atlantic. Doubles Shark-Whisperer dropped PDub and I off two hours early where we then checked in, headed through security, and fought several tour groups, all composed of either old people or Asians (this turned out to be a running theme throughout the rest of our trip). We boarded our two story airplane and sat at the gate for an additional hour because AirFrance actually waits for passengers who run late (when I own my airline I won't be so lenient). After 6.5 hours of flying, 3 movies, and two meals, Tuesday turned into Wednesday, and we landed in Paris for a 5 hour layover. Luckily, the layover was long because finding our gate felt like a treasure hunt; we somehow went through immigration twice (with no wrong turns).
"Packed" up. |
Largest airplane I had ever been on...two stories. |
At Dulles airport geared up for some traveling. |
Once at our gate, I slept for an hour while PDub fretted over a speech he was scheduled to give. I guess I should share with you the reason we headed back across the Atlantic, seeing that Ireland had been only a few months prior; we had yet another wedding to attend, and PDub was dubbed the best man so no backing out of this one. Anyway, once we boarded this smaller FinnAir plane, we sat on the tarmac for yet another hour because the Paris air traffic controllers were on strike (still not sure who directed us on the runway...do they hire amateurs and hope for the best?). After 2.5 hours, a short nap, and some book time (Game of Thrones which supplemented my castle viewing later in the trip), we landed in rainy Helsinki. From the airport, we took a thirty minute bus ride to the city center where we walked to Hotel Finn.
The first night of our trip. |
Now if you have ever traveled as long as we had (18.5 hours), by this point you are ready for a shower, a good meal, and a comfy bed, and we did all three in the best way that we could. The shower was the bathroom, as in everything got wet (toilet, sink, toilet paper, trash can, etc); something completely new to PDub and me, but we got by. Our dinner consisted of traditional Finnish food: a Long Drink (on tap at any restaurant or bar), a reindeer appetizer (these exist but don't fly, FYI) with a mushroom salad (reminded me of ham salad only with mushrooms), and pork with tar-flavored gravy (no, it didn't taste like blacktop). After dinner, I crashed, and PDub worked on his speech, go figure. There ends the longest day of my life.
The showertoiletsinkroom. |
The Finnish Long Drink....very sugary! |