Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Happy 1-Month Birthday!!

Today, ADubXX is 1 month old.  What's the good old saying?  Oh yeah...."Time flies."  We have fallen head over heels in love with this new family member of ours, and although it has been difficult at times with lack of sleep, a moody 3-year old, and two nutso dogs, we are not only surviving but enjoying every single moment.  So in addition to the usual baby stuff (eat, poop, pee, sleep, repeat), ADubXX has begun to develop a personality of her own.  Here is what makes her her:

  • She has a serious set of lungs; as in a nurse from a completely different unit had to stop by our room "to meet the diva making all of that noise."  Maybe she will be a singer some day....or just one of those really loud, obnoxious people at a sports event.  Who knows?
  • She loves leg massages, especially when she is throwing a complete fit.
  • ADubXX loves to hear her brother sing songs (mostly compositions of his own creation).
  • She has this inevitable ability to shart.  She sneezes....she sharts.  She coughs....she sharts.  You change her diaper....she sharts.
  • ADubXX makes the strangest noises....oftentimes sounding like a barnyard animal.  I am still unsure as to how she makes that goat sound with her mouth closed.  It's a gift.
  • She might be quicker than her brother and father in falling asleep in the car.  You hardly have to start the engine before she is O-U-T, out.
  • Tummy time almost always turns into a nice little snooze; thankfully, she already has strong neck muscles.
And now for our month....
On the first day at home, Harvey had already cozied in finding room on my lap.
ADubXX had her first Christmas.  Sorry, we didn't have a stocking for you; you weren't supposed to be here for three more weeks.
Enjoying Christmas....and mom's lap.
Meeting the grandparents on PDub's side.
Meeting PDub's sister.
Big brother is so proud of his baby sister.
The other big brother, Harvey, keeping her warm.
Sorry, ADubXX, while you slept, the rest of your family had cocktail hour.
First family of 4 selfie....and preparing for bath time.
First bath at home.  ADubXY had to put a rubber ducky in with her.
Hold the phone!
Her smiles always come in two's, so you have time for camera prep.
Practicing their belly-up's.
ADubXX got to meet her Grandma B...
...and her Pops.
Just kicked back, chilling with Pops.
Lizzy's head is the size of her whole body.
Selfie photoshoot with mommy.  We're pals.
Harvey had to wiggle his way in on the photo shoot.  Clearly, ADubXX was not super thrilled about this.
My beautiful family.
My lovely parents and us.
Her first walk.  And my first attempt at the double stroller feature.
Big eyes, chubby cheeks.
Figuring out how to make dinner with a fussy ADubXX and a crazy ADubXY.
First bottle.  Took it like a champ!
Relaxing with daddy.
Apparently my hands were not the proper temperature for the diaper change.  She certainly voiced her opinion.
ADubXY requests to hold baby ADubXX quite often these days.
The boys smitten by their baby girl.
Sporting the blanket and hat that her Great Grandma W made for her.

Absolutely in love with this sugar bean.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Our Newest Member of the Dub Fam

     On December 22nd, I told PDub that we better prepare to head to the hospital that night because A) I had been 3 cm dilated for at least a week, B) ADubXX's (blog nicknamed since she is a's a DNA thing) head was low, like very low, like "Mom, I'm ready to meet you" low, C) my OB/GYN told me she would be surprised if I made it through Christmas (even though I was only 37 weeks), and D) the big whopper, it was a full moon--yes, one of those days where a select number of men turn into werewolves, children act like banshees, and women have babies (ADubXY was born the night of a full moon).  PDub and I both took showers, confirmed our bags were packed, and I made sure not to put on my Halloween underwear....that would be embarrassing.  Thankfully, PDub's family was arriving later that evening to spend Christmas with us, so ADubXY and the pups would have some company in our absence.  
    The very next day, on December 23rd, contractions awoke me at 3:30am, and we headed to the hospital soon after (I was not having that baby in our car at're correct, there are stories of this happening).  On the way, I texted PDub's family: "We wanted to meet Audrey today so headed to the hospital."  She arrived at 9:13am that morning, weighing 7 lbs 8 ounces and measuring 19.3 inches long.
Our sweet girl in utero 3D style.
The night before her birth.  We didn't take maternity photos, so I had PDub snap a shot.
PDub is holding a real baby (not a doll).
Our sweet ADubXX
Yes, folks, you are seeing big brother meet his baby sister for the very first time.
When three became four.  My apologies for my face looking strange; FYI, I had just given birth....without an epidural.
ADubXX's first bath.  She came out too quickly, and I bruised up her face pretty badly....Whoops!
She was thrilled to go home.