According to Wikipedia (my favorite encyclopedia), a visor is a surface which protects the eyes. Under this definition, anything from the face of a hockey helmet to an automobile sun blocker classifies as a visor. For this blog, I am going to refer to the visor hat, which attaches to your head, usually by velcro, and shades your face from the sun.
I have been fighting with the theory of visors for quite some time now. During our downsize, I cleared my closet of any and all visors. My thoughts: I am not a professional tennis player, and I would rather kill two birds with one stone by protecting both my face and my head. The facts, visors are actually still apart of many people's accessories. I still see the ever-so-stylish, professional golfers wear them and even some poker dealers. You can purchase them from any university, major beer line, ritzy car dealership, or just your everyday fashion stores (Gap, Abercrombie, etc.).
This is no longer a visor. |
Here are my pros and cons when it comes to visors. They are great when you don't want to mess-up your hair. I actually begin my hair styling wearing a visor; put on the visor, dry your hair like normal (if possible), and Wah Lah! you have visor hair (not to be confused with hat hair)! Additionally, a visor reduces the amount of sweat by allowing for some airflow. Bring on the heat! I'm wearing my visor! As for the cons, you can probably guess that these outweigh the pros seeing that my closet is clear of the topless here are a few. Stop reading if you are near and dear to your veeee-sor. The visor fulfills only half the job that a real hat would do. It shades your face but allows the sun to blaze down on your sensitive head (bald men...give it up and get a hat; women...don't part your hair because you are asking for it). Also, most individuals don't wear them correctly to begin with. They oftentimes flip them upside down or turn them so they shade their neck instead of their face. When purchasing a visor, I question whether there should be an instructions manual included. After introducing you to my pros and cons, I hope you have more of a grasp on what you should do with that visor that is taking up space in your closet. Get out there and wear it! Or....let someone else take it for a spin.
 | ImposterBro |
Cool....yes. Protective....No. |
I'll have two please. |
BIG FIND!!! A fanny pack visor!!!! |
The Story of the Visor Bomb
One day when I was much younger, I was playing in my house (probably with Barbies) when I heard the doorbell ring. Being the responsible child I was (and still am), I allowed my father to answer it. To his surprise, a box was left at the front door with no one to be seen. It was addressed to my father, but it had no return address. Being the apprehensive and careful person that my father sometimes is, he decided not to open it recalling all of the recent mail-bombs reported in the news. After further inspection from my mother, it was decided to have the Salem Police Department investigate the package further. Nearly a week later, an officer called upon our house with the contents of the suspicious package, a Miller Lite visor. The moral of the story: visors do not equal bombs....simple math.
My Grandma sporting the bomb visor. |