Tuesday, November 3, 2015

ADub's First Halloween

         Our Halloween this year was fairly low key; however, it was somewhat important for two reasons.  1) It was ADub's first Halloween, and 2) It was the first time I went out in public, other than class and one quick trip to Target, since giving birth.  So what did we do?  We headed to the Irvington Halloween Festival where we ate from a food truck, shopped the vendors, and most of all, people/dog (costume) watched.  Keeping with tradition, our evening consisted of homemade spaghetti followed by a showing of Hocus Pocus.  I think ADub enjoyed it; I certainly did!
Please don't take a bite out of my cuteness.
I've already read this page, Dad.  Moving on!
Punkin butt.
Upon our arrival to the Halloween Festival.
It was nice to be out in the real world again.
Upon our departure from the Halloween Festival.  It's like he was never there.
FLYING CUPCAKES!!!....Halloween-style.
Maya lovin'
Full Disclosure: No baby was harmed in the making of this photo...clearly.