Thursday, May 24, 2012

Home Depot

    To prepare for the big Memorial Day weekend, I decided to head to the Arlington Home Depot to buy some plants.  I had just finished loading my cart with potting soil, my final item on the list, when the strangest character started a conversation with me.  Bottoms up, he was wearing the classic high top Converse shoes, bright red capris (totally would have been in if, say, he were female), a white t-shirt, a black vest with, what, yes, bugs bunny printed all over it, purple and pink hair, and topped off with a traveling hat.  A true character.  Evidently, he had lived in Houston (Montrose area...go figure) but now lives in the Arlington area.  How happy was I to find such a neighbor!
    While he was chit chatting for nearly 10 minutes (tripping over sentences every once and awhile), I was giving all passersby a "save me" look.  Finally, a middle-aged man came to my rescue informing me that our 2 year old girl was in the car and that we needed to get hero!  Even though I would never leave my 2 year old in the car.  Needless to say, the rescue mission was a success, and I was able to check-out and make it to my car in peace.  If any of you want the strange character's e-mail address or his author recommendations, I would be more than willing to send them your way seeing that he wrote them down for me.  Just another day in Virginia...

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